Pregnancy Info
Pregnancy Test
Natural Family Planning (NFP)
Fertility Awareness Method
In Vitro Fertilization - IVF
Pregnancy Facts
Pregnancy by Trimester
Labor and Delivery
Pregnancy Ultrasound
Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms
Pregnancy Statistics
Morning Sickness Statistics
Water Birth Statistics
Ectopic Pregnancy Statistics
Pregnancy Help
Early Pregnancy Symptoms
Ectopic Pregnancy
Signs of Miscarriage
Pregnancy Due Date
Am I Pregnant?
Preventing Stretch Marks
Kegel Exercises
Handling Unwanted Pregnancy Advice
How to Time Contractions
Choosing a Doctor or Midwife
Questions to Ask a Hospital or Birth Center
Announcing Your Pregnancy
Packing a Labor Bag
Twins and Multiple Pregnancy
When Should I go to the Hospital?
Pregnancy Information
Pregnancy Books
First Pregnancy
Pregnancy Clothes
Braxton Hicks
Nuchal Fold Testing for Down Syndrome
Amniocentesis (Amnio)
Ovulation and Fertility
Non-Stress Test (NST)
A Healthy Pregnancy
Pregnancy Exercise
Pregnancy Weight
Morning Sickness
Prenatal Care
Pregnancy Health
Pregnancy Diet
Healthy Pregnancy
Heartburn and Pregnancy
Gestational Diabetes
HCG Levels While Pregnant
Pregnancy Massage
Childbirth Options
Water Birth
What is a Birth Center?
Breech and Posterior Births
Birthing Classes
Pain Management During Labor and Delivery
Epidural During Labor
Cesarean Birth
Midwife Birth
Birth Induction
Signs of Labor
Natural Birth
Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC )
Postpartum - After Delivery
Welcome to Pregnancy Statistics![]() The purpose of this website is to help educate the public about pregnancy. Some of the topics covered here include information on pregnancy rates, pregnancy health, and pregnancy help. This site has many articles on teen pregnancy as well as general facts and statistics about being pregnant. Our goal is to cover as many aspects of pregnancy as we can and to answer any related questions you may have. We cover many other topics as well including symptoms of pregnancy and ways to care for yourself and unborn baby while you are pregnant. Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms
Pregnancy signs and symptoms may vary during the different stages of pregnancy. This article examines key signs and symptoms that occur in each of the three trimesters of pregnancy. Keep reading for more information on pregnancy signs and symptoms.
Morning Sickness
A lot of people have morning sickness during pregnancy. Learn more about what morning sickness is, why people get morning nausea, and what you can do to avoid or lessen the effects of morning sickness. Learn ways to make your pregnancy a healthy one.
Announcing Your Pregnancy
Announcing your pregnancy is an exciting time in a woman's life. Whether this is your first child or you are adding another loved one to your family, it is exciting to go about announcing your pregnancy in a fun and exciting way. Keep reading for helpful tips in announcing your pregnancy to friends and loved ones.
Pain Management During Labor and Delivery
Pain management during labor and delivery can make a huge difference in your birthing experience. Get info on birthing techniques, pain management options, epidurals, and more. Find tips for choosing the right type of pain management for you and your baby.
Nuchal Fold Testing for Down Syndrome
Nuchal Fold Testing for Down Syndrome is a special test designed to identify if an unborn baby may have a genetic condition called Down Syndrome. This article offers information on what Nuchal Fold Testing is and other interesting testing facts.
Postpartum Pain and Pain Relief
When it comes to postpartum pain and pain relief the latter is what most women are in desperate need of after giving birth to their newest addition. Postpartum pain and pain relief can easily be achieved in several different ways. Ultimately it is a good idea to know what to expect before you get to this situation.
Natural Family Planning (NFP)
Natural Family Planning is considered a highly effective method of birth control that involves an active approach at knowing the woman's most fertile times by dissecting fertile signals regarding fertility and ovulation. Natural Family Planning is often associated with the charting method of birth control, which doesn't carry the best reputation for effectiveness.