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HCG Levels While Pregnant
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HCG Levels While Pregnant
With hCG levels while pregnant, it is important to know these hCG levels increase continually throughout the gestation period. The hormone human chorionic gonadotropin, is produced the minute the placenta begins forming after conception. These hCG levels while pregnant continue to rise from there.
There are a few important things to remember regarding hCG levels while pregnant. The way that hCG levels while pregnant work is by gradually increasing throughout the course of the pregnancy. When conception first occurs, the hCG levels grow. From there once these levels have reached a certain point, a home pregnancy test or a blood test will be able to detect if the woman is pregnant or not. However, some early response pregnancy tests can detect smaller amount of hCG earlier in the gestation period so pregnancy can be detected even earlier. hCG Levels While Pregnant: When it comes to normal pregnancies, the hCG levels typically double every 48 to 72 hours. However, as your pregnancy continues, the hCG levels continue to increase but at a slower pace now doubling at about every 96 hours. This is the typical rate for about 85 percent of normal pregnancies. However, it is also important to be weary of relying too much on hCG levels in a pregnancy. Because some normal pregnancies are still normal and healthy, but result in lower hCG levels, there is really no cause for concern. That is why the results from an ultra sound around five to six weeks along in the pregnancy are more accurate than using hCG numbers. It is also important to note when discussing the topic of hCG levels while pregnant, that just one hCG reading is not always enough information to make a proper diagnoses. In most situations when hCG levels while pregnant seem too high or too low, it is important to watch these levels over a short period of time to determine if there is a bigger issue. hCG Levels and Pregnancy Testing: Many women who are trying to become pregnant often want to know as soon as possible they are pregnant or not. These women will rely on early response home pregnancy tests to determine if they have enough hCG levels yet to determine pregnancy. With an hCG level of less than 5mlU/ml is considered negative for pregnancy. However, anything about 25 mlU/ml is considered positive for pregnancy in a woman. It is also important to realize that sometimes when taking a pregnancy test, especially an early response pregnancy test, that it might result in a faint line, which can be extremely confusing. Sometimes this faint line can even be considered a false positive. That is why it is important to test as close as possible to a missed period or by getting a blood test to determine if you actually are pregnant or not. Often times a low hCG level can mean a number of things, however it should always be rechecked within 48 to 72 hours to track how the levels are changing. As previously mentioned, sometimes low hCG levels while pregnant mean nothing. However, in some cases low hCG levels while pregnant can be an indicator of miscalculation of pregnancy dating, possibility miscarriage or blighted ovum or an ectopic pregnancy. The reverse may also be an indicator to watch those hCG levels while pregnant. For example, if a pregnant woman has too high of hCG levels it could also mean a miscalculation of pregnancy dating, molar pregnancy or even multiple pregnancy. When it comes to miscarriage, the hCG levels usually take about four to six weeks after the loss to return to normal. The only other thing that can affect hCG levels while pregnant is by taking certain medications that contain hCG. These are medications that are often used in fertility treatments. Talk to your health care provider about these levels if you are concerned at all. While it is important to be aware that low or high hCG levels while pregnant aren't always indicative that something is wrong, it is important to keep an eye on it and consult with your health care professional about your concerns to be sure.
Sources:, Related Article: Pregnancy Due Date >>