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Pregnancy Weight

Pregnancy weight is a natural concern for women. Read this article to learn what normal weight gain during pregnancy is, why it's important to stay within the recommended pregnancy weight gain, and emotional issues related to pregnancy weight gain.

Many women are very concerned about pregnancy weight gain. While it can be distressing to gain weight during pregnancy, it is important to realize that this is natural and expected - even healthy. First of all, weight gain indicates that the baby is growing and gaining weight. This is important to a healthy child birth. Additionally, you should realize that increased blood, water, amniotic fluid and other fluids will add to your weight, as will the placenta and other accouterments of birth. However, some of the weight you gain will be fat storage, so it is important to be prepared for that. Here are some things to remember about pregnancy weight:

Normal weight gain during pregnancy

It is normal for most women to gain between 25 and 35 pounds during pregnancy. This is average and to be expected. Your health care provider can help you figure out what is healthy for your height, as well as what is normal pregnancy weight gain for your pre-pregnancy weight and general health. You can expect to gain between one pound and five pounds during the first trimester. After that, you are likely to gain one pound a week throughout the second and third trimesters of your pregnancy.

You should realize that if you were underweight prior to becoming pregnant, you will probably gain between 28 and 40 pounds. The increase in fat storage is important to your baby’s health, and you should consider talking to your physician about healthy ways to ensure that you are meeting the proper weight gain requirements. For those who are already overweight at the time of pregnancy, you may need to gain less weight, between 11 and 25 pounds, depending on your body mass index prior to pregnancy.

Staying within the recommended pregnancy weight gain

Your health care provider will monitor your weight throughout your pregnancy, since it is an important part of your health. Your doctor or midwife can help you figure out a plan to help you keep within a normal and healthy weight gain for you. You will receive diet recommendations, as well as exercise recommendations. You really only need about 300 extra calories during pregnancy (the second and third trimesters). A pregnancy exercise program can help you keep your weight in check, as well as help you strengthen your body and prepare it for giving birth.

You should realize that remaining within the healthy weight gain for your body is important. Those who gain too much during pregnancy have a higher risk of cesarean delivery and other complications. Also, if you gain too much weight during your first pregnancy, you are more likely to gain more weight in following pregnancy. If you are overweight at the outset, realize that you are more likely to experience preeclampsia or gestational diabetes. Your health care provider can help you bring your weight under control during pregnancy to limit the risk of these complications.

However, it can also be problematic if you do not gain enough during pregnancy. You might be at risk for delivering early, as well as having a low birth weight baby. These babies are at a higher risk for developmental problems - both physical and mental. This is why it is important to realize that weight gain is natural and healthy, when it happens within limits during pregnancy.

Emotional issues related to pregnancy weight gain

Unsurprisingly, many women feel anxiety about their pregnancy weight gain. This is natural. Many women are distressed to see the changes to their bodies. Additionally, those who have struggled with their weight prior to pregnancy can be even more affected. These emotional issues should be addressed. You can talk to your health care provider about your fears and anxieties, and also talk to other women about their feelings and find some support that way. Try to remind yourself that weight gain is normal, and stick with the recommendations your doctor or midwife have for maintaining a healthy weight during pregnancy. As long as you are within the guidelines, you are in a healthy place.

You can also assuage your anxiety by making a plan to lose the pregnancy weight after you give birth. You will likely lose between seven and 15 pounds immediately after you give birth. It might take a while to lose the rest. However, a plan can help. Regular exercise and proper nutrition can help you lose weight. Breastfeeding will also help you shed your post pregnancy pounds. Just make sure that you are eating healthy so that you provide nutrition for your newborn.

In the end, pregnancy weight gain is natural. Be patient with yourself and realize that it might take six to 12 months to lose the weight. But as long as you are making progress, you should be on the right track.

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